All students, including those with disabilities, are expected to complete all academic/degree 要求s necessary for graduation at 新利18社区学院 (Bristol). 按照 with the ADAAA (Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Bristol must provide reasonable accommodations 适用于有残疾证明的学生. 然而,学院可能不提供住宿 that would fundamentally alter the degree 要求s of a particular program. 因此, the college must carefully evaluate each request for a course substitution/waiver to ensure that such will not result in a fundamental alteration of a degree 要求.

Criteria to be Considered by Disability Petition Committee

The following criteria are considered when evaluating a course waiver/substitution:

A. Summary documentation of disability with description of the extent of educationally related functional limitations in the academic area under discussion.

B. Evidence of the student’s good-faith effort to meet the graduation 要求 包括:

1. consistent and persistent effort in attempting course work;

2. 定期出勤并完成所有任务;

3. 使用所有适当和可用的服务;

4. use of all appropriate and available academic accommodations.

C. Evidence that the student is otherwise qualified by demonstrated success in completing 完成学位要求的所有其他领域的课程.

D. Student’s explanation of how the requested course modification fulfills the intended 要求.

E. Evidence that the course in question is not essential to the student’s course of 研究.

The Committee will review all evidence presented by the student and will confer with 其他必要的学院人员. 委员会的决定将被转达 to the student by the Learning Specialist and formalized in writing by a letter mailed to the student and the student’s Learning Specialist from the Associate Vice President 教务主任或其指定人员.


Before applying for a course substitution/waiver, students with documented disabilities 必须遵循要求的步骤:

1. Consistent and persistent effort in attempting to meet the 要求, including at least one attempt to complete the required course or its prerequisite, using recommended academic accommodations such as: tutorial services, note takers, auxiliary aids, testing accommodations, and taking a self-paced course when possible. 这些步骤必须是 taken except in those cases where the Office of 残疾人服务 (ODS) verifies that the disability in the subject area is so severe that safety issues or other issues may be involved that prevent this 要求 from taking place.

2. The following are alternatives to the completion of the required course:

a. 替换 of another course or other appropriate modification. 替换 of course is permissible only if the course in question is not essential to the student’s course of 研究 and the student has no reasonable chance of successfully completing the required course with all of the recommended accommodations.

b. 当然放弃. This will be considered only when there is evidence that the student's met the above 要求s stated in point (1) by attempting and substituting and 没有可行的替代方案.

In all cases, (except as noted in number one in the previous column) the student must demonstrate that he or she has taken advantage of all support services available to 所有学生(e).g., tutorial services, supplemental instruction, note taker services, auxiliary aids, testing accommodations) and that the reason for unsuccessful completion is not due to poor attendance or failure to complete class assignments or examinations. When attempting to complete the required course, the student must demonstrate that he or she has remained in the class for at least 3/4 of the term.

3. The student must meet with his/her Office of 残疾人服务 (ODS) Learning 专家(LS)讨论请求. 如果他/她决定继续 request, a petition application must be completed and submitted to the LS. 请愿书 must explain the reasons for the request and must be accompanied by the following:

a. Current documentation (if this is not already on file with the ODS).

b. Documentation of student’s academic record and 要求s for graduation (such 作为文字记录).

c. Evidence of the use of all appropriate and available services and academic accommodations

Note: student may request assistance of LS to obtain information requested in point 3.

Upon receipt of a request for a course substitution/waiver and supporting documentation, the L Swill forward the request to the chair of the Disability Petition Committee (DPC). The committee will consist of an ODS representative, the Associate Vice President 教务主任或其指定人员, the department chair of the course in question, the director of the student’s degree program, and any other college professional deemed 由DPC适当.